General, Training

Jessica Delaney

IAP2 Understanding Conflict:
This is a Level 1 course. The prerequisite Fundamentals of P2 and Engagement must first be completed. The aim of Understanding Conflict in P2/engagement is to help you understand, and more effectively manage, conflict dynamics. By the end of this course, you will have the skills to identify and mitigate situations of tension and conflict within P2/engagement work.

IAP2 Working with Conflict and High Emotion:
This is an advanced Level 3 course. The focus of this course is on de-escalating and shifting conflict and high emotion to constructive participation, where forward momentum and resolution are possible. Participants will gain a deep understanding of the state of conflict and work with practical, tangible approaches to de-escalate and transform challenges.

IAP2 Understanding People and Communities:
This is a Level 1 course that discovers and applies deep understanding and insights into the people and communities involved in P2/engagement processes to make the processes more meaningful and effective. This course provides an introduction to working with diversity, equity, and inclusion in P2/engagement.

Please keep an eye on our Schedule at a Glance for the addition of these exciting new learning opportunities.

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