
Designing inclusive engagement processes for connection, impact and change.

At Engage Delaney, we are deeply committed to planning, implementing and reporting on engagement processes that are trauma informed and culturally safe. This means we work with our client to understand context, connect with champions, identify risks, and plan engagements where we learn from everyone.

We apply our own best practices, developed over more than 27 years of engagement experience, and couple them with best practices from the International Association for Public Participation, International Association of Facilitators, and the Art of Hosting community.

We believe good engagement doesn’t happen by accident; it happens by design.  

Featured Case Study


In 2023, Engage Delaney worked with Campus Security at a leading Canadian university to conduct engagement on a service model validation process to proactively adapt and plan for the future.

Our Role

Engage Delaney’s role in planning and leading the engagement process involved hosting a series of dialogue sessions, interviews, and pop-up events, along with developing both public and internal questionnaires.  Upon completion of the active engagement, Engage Delaney completed data analysis and reporting, including supporting the technical leads in knowledge translation in order to integrate what was learned during the engagement into an updated campus security model.

A series of engagement opportunities were hosted virtually and in person, with a total of 1,652 interactions from students, faculty, staff, Campus Security employees, and community members.


Participants shared many insights regarding their current experiences with Campus Security, their general experiences and feelings of safety on campus, as well as their thoughts on how Campus Security can support safety and security in the future. Safety is a deeply personal experience and so the nuances of feedback and input are explored in detail in this report.

The findings from this engagement process will be considered alongside an industry review and benchmarking exercise and will inform Campus Security’s decision-making regarding their service delivery model.


University Security Model Engagement
