
Helping you plan engaging processes and events that harness the power of group intelligence.

At Engage Delaney, we have extensive experience planning and facilitating a wide range of events, from small team meetings to large-scale conferences. If you are investing in bringing people together, then let us help you plan the few hours or several days to derive maximum benefit from your time, whether in-person or virtually.

Leaning on years of experience, we work with our clients to plan engaging meetings, workshops and conferences that get results. We ensure that when participants leave, they feel their time was well spent, all voices were heard and objectives were achieved.  

Our team can facilitate your next important gathering, or we can work with you and your team to support you in building your internal facilitation know-how and can-do.  

Featured Case Study


In 2024, Engage Delaney worked with a federal government department to launch a public and stakeholder engagement process to gather insights from key emergency management partners and stakeholders, including Provinces and Territories, Indigenous organizations, academia, industry and private sector partners and non-governmental organizations (NGOs). The goal of the engagement was to gain a better understanding of current capacities, gaps and limitations on key topics relating to emergency response and gather insights and views on ways to more efficiently leverage these capacities following large-scale emergency events in Canada.

Our Role

Engage Delaney planned and facilitated five in-person and three virtual roundtables, while also reviewing and integrating a series of written submissions.  As a neutral third-party supporting this engagement, Engage Delaney coded and analyzed the results in order to identify the key themes representing what was heard across all three engagement opportunities. 


The engagement underscored the interconnectedness of building resilient emergency management organizations, empowering communities, improving coordination and governance, mobilizing under-recognized groups, ensuring inclusivity, enhancing communication, and strategic planning.

The full detailed findings of this engagement process will be used to help inform policy development and advise on potential key next steps. 


Emergency Management
