by Valerie Delaney, Principal Learning and Development
It’s been a challenging year, but we are taking time this Thanksgiving weekend to reflect on, and give thanks for, all that makes us grateful – perhaps, more grateful than ever.
First and foremost, we are grateful for the health and wellbeing of our families, friends and team mates. I know that might not be the case for everyone reading this, and I’d like you to know that we keep everyone in our thoughts and prayers. We are grateful that our wonderful team has been back full force since early June – busy working on interesting engagement projects and training initiatives. We are grateful for all the participants who decided to give our Virtual Academies a chance. Thank you! We are grateful to be able to reach out to our family members and friends “back East” thanks to technology. And, spoiled as we are to be living in B.C.’s beautiful Okanagan Valley, how can we not be grateful for the natural beauty that surrounds and soothes us?
My hope for you is that you have something to be grateful for, and on behalf of the Delaney “family”, I wish you bushels of blessings this Thanksgiving and always.
Stay well, Valerie