Our message of hope, if we may

Company Updates, General

Jacques Choquette

So much is different this holiday season; yet, so much remains the same. The challenge of re-inventing long-standing and loved traditions so as to experience once more the joy of the season is daunting. Add in a measure of uncertainty, fear, and anxiety – not to mention the usual pressures of making this the happiest time of the year – and, it becomes pretty easy to simply wish it all away. Nevertheless, there is hope.  I read once that you should never take away a person’s hope – not even for the sake of perfect truth – as that may be all a person has.

On that note, please accept our hope for you. That the days ahead find you with time to sit with warm holiday memories, time to reflect on the year’s challenges and successes, and time to celebrate the very best of you.

We wish you and yours

…..calm and bright, silver bells and silent stars, snow and mistletoe.

And, for the year ahead…..a thrill of hope, comfort and joy, and peace on earth.

 With sincere best wishes,

The Delaney Family and Team

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