Explore Your ‘Culture of Consultation’ in Upcoming Webinar


Jacques Choquette

Are you currently developing a community engagement plan? Considering how you engage with your clients and stakeholders? Perhaps developing or using an engagement framework, tools and/or platforms? In short – are you working to build your organization’s culture of consultation?

You are invited to participate in an interactive and informative webinar with other engagement professionals to share best practices and approaches, and learn how one healthcare organization in Ontario is building its engagement culture and capacity.

Delaney + Associates (D+A) is partnering with Providence Healthcare to bring you this free webinar on Monday October 30, from 2:00 – 3:00 p.m. EST. Anyone can participate – click here to register.

This online, interactive session will be a conversation about what Providence is doing to build its culture of consultation, with opportunities for session participants to contribute insights based on their own work. This is an opportunity to both listen and be heard!

One of Providence Healthcare’s recent initiatives is a community engagement “cart” – a mobile mechanism for patients to have their voice heard, and for staff to also get involved.

The webinar will provide an overview of Providence’s initial approach to community engagement, as well as its current practices and future plans. Find out how Providence got started by using the Delaney + Associates Culture of Consultation Assessment Tool to first baseline its capacity to undertake authentic engagement, and how it continues to conduct annual assessments and report on progress to senior management using the tool. We will also cover how Providence has implemented the iap2 framework and core principles, as well as organizational lessons that Providence has learned through its ongoing engagement journey.

The D+A Culture of Consultation tool is a scoring matrix that helps any organization evaluate its current engagement capacity and practices in 10 different categories, such as “Policy / Process Guidance” and “Follow-up with Participants”.

The tool helps organizations determine their level of readiness to adequately engage stakeholders, while provoking thought on what successful engagement looks like and motivating ongoing improvement. Join the webinar to find out more about the tool, and how you might apply it in your own organization.

Don’t miss this opportunity to generate constructive dialogue! The webinar is free to attend; however, registration is limited, so please click here to sign up and claim your spot.

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