Webinar: An Organization-Wide Approach to Engagement


Jacques Choquette

If you are a project manager, a communications specialist, a business/policy analyst, a program evaluation specialist, a planner, or you have any “strategic bones” in your body, then we have a free upcoming webinar opportunity for you:

Date: October 30, 2017 at 2 p.m. (EST)

Webinar Topic: Assessing your organization’s culture of consultation

Registration: CLICK HERE

Delaney + Associates has developed a Culture of Consultation Assessment Tool to help organizations assess their current capacity to undertake authentic engagement in an ongoing way.

The webinar will focus on how Providence Healthcare in Ontario has implemented the tool to help achieve its tactical priority of “bringing value to individuals and the health care system” through dialogue with its stakeholders and partners, as part of its BEST Together Strategic Plan.

Most people who have been responsible for developing an entire engagement program from scratch, with no previous organizational history of engagement, would likely tell you that creating and carrying out an authentic engagement initiative is an exhausting and time-consuming undertaking. Generating truly insightful results and impacts takes a lot of work! We know this. We’ve seen, heard it and experienced it. And so above all, we sympathize because it is true – there is both an individual learning curve and organizational culture shift required to achieve meaningful engagement.

The session will be a conversation about what Providence is doing to build its culture of consultation, with opportunities for session participants to provide insights based on their own work. This is an opportunity to both listen and be heard!

Don’t miss this opportunity. The webinar is free to attend; however, registration is limited, so please CLICK HERE to sign up and avoid disappointment.

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