Coming Soon!
IAP2 Planning for Effective Public Participation – Virtual Training
We are happy to announce we are delivering the IAP2 Planning for Effective Public Participation course as a Virtual Academy. This is course is based on the 20-hour in-person Planning course – now delivered online!
It’s new territory, and we are very excited to be able to support engagement capacity building during these challenging times.
We know not everyone is in a place to take training (time, energy or financial pressures), but we have also had requests for online training and are now positioned to provide this opportunity.
The question is: How do we offer this training in a way that works best for participants?
We have three options to deliver the Planning course virtually, and we’d like your feedback about what option you think would work best for you and why.
We are keen to hear from past participants who have taken our in-person training: you know how full those three days are!
Please click here to take our survey. It will be open until May 15, 2020, midnight, Pacific time.
Thanks so much and stay well.
P.S. We will select one survey participant randomly to receive a Delaney goodie bag as our thanks to you!