More great news about Delaney online training!

Engagement, Facilitation, General, Training

Jessica Delaney

by Valerie Delaney, Principal, Learning + Development

Delaney is delivering its third iap2 Planning for Effective Public Participation Virtual Academy July 20 – 24. We are pleased by how the Virtual Academies are rolling out – thanks to a great team effort.  The feedback from participants is very positive and helpful as we sharpen our online training tools along the way. If you missed Jessica’s top five learnings from our first Virtual Academy, you can read about that at:

For the engagement leaders and decision makers in the group, you’ll be happy to know that our popular iap2 Public Participation for Decision Makers workshop is now also available as a Delaney Virtual Academy.

If you are a leader in your organization and want to know more about public participation (P2), including the role of the decision maker to guide and direct P2 initiatives, this is the workshop for you.  Have you ever asked: Do we really need to engage the public on this? Is everything “on the table”? Why can’t we just organize an open house? You’ll find the answers in this high-level, fast-paced and interactive workshop.  We have a public schedule now available, with more dates to come.

And, if you think this is something for your organization’s entire leadership team, we can help with that too. Many Canadian organizations, including municipal councils, health authority management teams, and sustainable housing groups, have taken this training with us.  The new Delaney iap2 Decision Makers Virtual Academy provides a convenient and cost-effective way to offer this training to leaders and senior managers, in YOUR organization – with minimal disruption to busy schedules and packed agendas.   Dates can be arranged at your convenience.  Please email Valerie at to begin the conversation about bringing this customizable training to your team.

Hope to see you online but most of all, hope you and yours stay safe and happy!

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