Unique Opportunity to Train with National Charrette Institute


Jacques Choquette

Are you a planner, engagement professional, a municipal staffer or a developer ready to take your public consultation skills to the next level? If so, we have an ideal opportunity for you.

In just two months – November 14-16, 2017 – the University of Michigan’s National Charrette Institute (NCI) will be in Vancouver to deliver their Charrette System Certificate Training. We are very excited to team up with NCI to provide this opportunity to engagement professionals in Vancouver.

What is a Charrette?

If you have participated in urban planning, land use planning or development consultations, you might have experienced a charrette. More often than not, the word charrette has become associated with a single, interactive planning session where participants are divided in groups based on their common interests, and are asked to contribute to the collaborative design – whether a sketch or model of the subject/study area. However, the charrette process you will learn from NCI is actually much more comprehensive. It is a carefully planned, multi-step series of sessions that can involve stakeholders in any collaborative problem-solving or decision-making.

The NCI Charrette System™, more specifically, is a process that has been designed by University of Michigan’s National Charrette Institute team to create a structured system for effective collaborative problem solving and decision-making. The process is planned as a multiple-day charrette, which then becomes a transformative design event. The System is flexible, it is built based on a three-phase framework, and it combines over 20 process-based tools.

Training in the NCI Charrette System™ will equip any project team with great knowledge and an invaluable set of tools to effectively manage complex public consultation projects.

Should You Take This Training?

If understanding, planning, and/or implementing public engagement or public consultation projects is important for your work, this training will provide you with insights, knowledge, and hands-on skills for your future work.

As it is becoming increasingly difficult to imagine any municipal, redevelopment, or planning project without a comprehensive and carefully-planned stakeholder engagement process, this training is an exciting opportunity for us all to learn from experts in the field, without having to travel far.

To learn more about this training opportunity, click here. To learn more about the National Charrette Institute and their NCI Charrette System™, please see here. To register, please follow this link.

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